For over a decade, Relief has helped shape the landscapes of faith, imagination, and creativity for readers around the world. In our annual print journal, we feature fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, and reviews by some of today’s finest literary writers, alongside emerging voices. We also publish new reflections on our blog each week — meditations by diverse writers pondering our contemporary moment through the rich lenses of art and faith.
Relief eschews tidy “inspirational” writing that represses the troublesome and complex dimensions of our lives. Instead we are dedicated to human flourishing through literature that both comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.
In architectural terms, a relief is a raised projection of figures or forms on a flat surface. It is an image caught somewhere between 2D and 3D. For us, relief is a metaphor: It is work that nudges us toward a fully-embodied reality, toward seeing face-to-face rather than in a mirror dimly. We celebrate writing that broadens our perspectives on the world and humanity, moving us ever closer to the true and beautiful — andin turn, the true and beautiful bring us another kind of relief.
For over a decade, Relief has helped shape the landscapes of faith and imagination for readers around the world. In our annual print journal, we feature fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, and reviews by some of today’s finest literary practitioners, alongside emerging voices. We also occasionally publish new reflections on our blog—meditations by diverse writers pondering our contemporary moment through the rich lenses of art and faith.
Relief eschews tidy “inspirational” writing that represses the troublesome and complex dimensions of our lives. Instead we are dedicated to human flourishing through literature.
In architectural terms, a relief is a raised projection of figures or forms on a flat surface. It is an image caught somewhere between 2D and 3D. For us, relief is a metaphor: It is work that nudges us toward a fully-embodied reality, toward seeing face-to-face rather than in a mirror dimly. We celebrate writing that broadens our perspectives on the world and humanity, moving us ever closer to the true and beautiful — and in turn, the true and beautiful bring us another kind of relief.