Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure.
-Henri J. M. Nouwen
For over a decade, Relief has helped shape the landscapes of faith and imagination for readers around the world. In our annual print journal, we feature fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, and reviews by some of today’s finest literary practitioners, alongside emerging voices. We also publish new reflections on our blog—meditations by diverse writers pondering our contemporary moment through the rich lenses of art and faith.
Current Issue
We are currently SOLD OUT of our 2023 issue! Preorders are available for our second printing of this issue, and we will work to get them to you as soon as possible.
With the figure in Tracy Bull’s striking cover art, we find ourselves exploring the edge of displacement and discovery in the 2024 issue of Relief journal. Throughout this latest issue, there is a sense that we are all simply looking for the next safe stone to stand on. Whether we’re grappling with vulnerability in Tania Runyan’s “In Search of Earthquake Kate,” looking at death through the eye of the yovobird in Jonathan Allston’s “Patriarch,” or just “missing the solace of a mother” in Rhett Watts’s “Floating Arms,” we are all learning where we go next. If you still find yourself emerging from the edge of a dark wood, you’re in good company here, and we invite you to step to the next safe stone with us.