Quarazines — Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith

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Kirk Reedstrom


These are strange days, the likes of which we’ve never seen. We’ve been overwhelmed by the hot takes, the long reads and think pieces…even the best ones. While we want to stay informed and be vigilant, we also want to offer you some solidarity with a somewhat lighter touch. Artist Kirk Reedstrom’s “Quaranzines” fit the bill just right.

Readers, writers, friends: be healthy, enjoy the zines, and we’ll see you on the other side of this. As always, join us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for the latest.

Kirk Reedstrom Photo.jpg

Originally from Houston, Texas, Kirk Reedstrom spent most of his childhood drawing and reading Calvin & Hobbes. He studied at Centenary College of Louisiana where he interned with William Joyce at Moonbot Studios and fell in love with children’s literature before becoming a bookseller at Blue Willow Bookshop. Kirk now spends most of his time doodling in Shreveport, Louisiana with his wife, Sarah Duet and cat, Nash.

Kirk is an active SCBWI member, member of the Louisiana Reading Association, a roster artist with the Shreveport Regional Arts Council, and trained as a Primetime Storyteller with the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. His work has been shown in Boston, Houston, Shreveport, and Los Angeles. He is represented by Paul Rodeen at Rodeen Literary.