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Today's Attack - An Austin Perspective


It doesn't feel like 9/11 today, for which I am thankful.

For those of you not involved in the news, a plane crashed into a Northwest Austin office building, probably aimed at the IRS offices.  I am thankful that, so far, no deaths have been reported (though the pilot has yet to be recovered.)  Prior to his actions, the pilot posted an angry letter asking the IRS to "take my pound of flesh and sleep well."  The Austin American Statesman has coverage here.

At this point, I don't really feel I have all that much to blog about, even though the attack was less than five miles away from me.  I'm thankful that--miraculously--it seems that no one (except probably the pilot) is dead.  I'd like people to remember it as a reminder that Islamic foreigners don't hold a monopoly on terrorism.  We Americans have more than our share of home-grown sin and madness.  Other than that, well, I'm sure the government will do what they can to increase security and prevent similar actions from happening.

One other thing is strange, though.  This morning, feeling the wind on my skin and the warmth of the sun (it has been an unexpectedly cold winter), I thought of how odd it was to start the season of Lent in such pleasant conditions.  I didn't yet know about the attack, and it seemed like a weird day to think about the words "from dust you have come, to dust you will return."

It's a bit cloudier in Austin now, but still not uncomfortably cold.  It still feels like a pleasant day to be outside, a good day for a walk.  My prayers are with the victims whose lives have been turned upside down, with the friends and family of the "kind, quiet, not at all brooding" man who flew his plane into a building.   I pray that God will work to bring peace and love to a world with far too much hate and fear.

I am glad that things are far better than they could have been.