Relief News Tuesday 5.3.2010
Ian David Philpot
Submissions for 4.2 Now Open!
As of May 1, the submissions system for issue 4.2 was opened! Go ahead and submit your best work through our Online Submissions System.
If you would like some insight about what we expect from submitters, go ahead and read our Editor-in-Chief's blog titled "An End to Questions." It comes from the perspective of a fiction editor, but a lot of what he discusses is very helpful to anyone submitting to Relief.
Also, don't forget to look at our Submission Guidelines. While we're a very flexible group, any submissions that don't follow those guidelines have a really good chance of being put aside before the story is considered.
Issue 4.1 is almost done!
This should be the last week of formatting before issue 4.1 goes to print. In about a month, all of you who order pre-sales (available next Tuesday) will be receiving your very own copy of Relief.
Prayer for ccPublishing's President
Michelle Pendergrass took over ccPublishing (Relief's publishing company) just a couple of months ago, but she has hit some very hard times in the last few weeks with illness affecting both her mother and father-in-law. We ask for your prayers for Michelle and her family as they go through this rough patch of life.