The wait is over!
The next issue of Relief is here, and it looks great! Below is a list of authors and works that will appear in issue 5.1, but when you're done looking at the make-up, go ahead and order a presale for 20% off the list price.

God She Could Tolerate
Fiction |
Michael Cocchiarale is Associate Professor of English at Widener University (Chester, PA). Some of his other stories have appeared in REAL, Galleon, Stickman Review, Dirty Napkin, Eclectica, and Flashquake. |

Notre Dame
Poetry |
Michael G. Cornelius is the author/editor of ten books. |

The Wonderful Thing About Forgiveness
Fiction |
Zach teaches reading and mathematics at a high school in Minneapolis, MN. His essays and reviews have appeared before in Rain Taxi Review of Books and Dappled Things. "The Wonderful Thing About Forgiveness" is his first published short story. |

Those Prayers
Poetry |
Barbara Westwood Diehl is founding editor of The Baltimore Review. She works for the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and is a M.A. in Creative Writing student at Johns Hopkins University. Her poems and stories have appeared in a variety of print and online publications, including JMWW, MacGuffin, SmokeLong Quarterly, Confrontation, Measure, Little Patuxent Review, Potomac Review, American Poetry Journal, and Rosebud. She was raised Episcopalian, married a Methodist, and is now happily attending North Baltimore Mennonite Church. This is her first foray into publications with a Christian focus. |

Simon, I Have Something to Say to You
Creative Nonfiction |
Tim Elhajj's work has appeared in Brevity, Guernica, Sweet, The New York Times, The Yalobusha Review, and others. He edits Junk, a nonfiction literary magazine that focuses on addiction. His first memoir, titled Dopefiend: A Father's Journey from Addiction to Redemption, is forthcoming from Central Recovery Press in September 2011. |

Making the Perfect Loaf of Bread
Creative Nonfiction |
Leslie Leyland Fields is the author/editor of 7 books including Surviving the Island of Grace. Her most recent is The Spirit of Food:34 Writers on Feasting and Fasting Toward God, where this essay originally appeared. She teaches in Seattle Pacific University's MFA program, writes for Christianity Today, and commercial salmon fishes with her family on Kodiak Island, Alaska, where she eats salmon as often as possible. |

The Last Enemy
Creative Nonfiction |
Hannah K. Grieser is the mother of five young sons and the wife of a literature professor. She also moonlights as a graphic designer. When she's not changing diapers, designing brochures, pulling weeds, or cleaning peanut butter fingerprints off the piano, she keeps a blog at |

Doubt, The Problem of Ascribing Evil, Margins, Under the Archway, Civilization
Poetry |
David Holper has worked as taxi driver, fisherman, dishwasher, bus driver, soldier, house painter, bike mechanic, bike courier, and teacher. With all that useful experience and a couple of degrees, he has published a book of poetry called 64 Questions (March Street Press), as well as numerous other poems in literary journals including Relief. He teaches at College of the Redwoods and lives in Eureka, California, which is far enough from the madness of civilization that he can get some writing done. Another thing that helps is that his three children continually ask him to make up stories, and he is learning the art of doing that well for them. |

First Breath, Elegy, Elegy for the Bell, Another Elegy
Poetry |
Robert Jonte graduated from the College of Charleston and worked for Crazyhorse Magazine. He studied with Morton Marcus in Western Michigan University’s Prague Summer Program and returned to the city to earn his Cambridge CELTA. Robert’s articles and poems have been published or are forthcoming in The Charleston City Paper, The Kingstree News, Miscellany, and Xenith. He currently teaches English in South Korea. |

To Cain, Descending Moriah
Poetry |
Kolby Kerr is currently finishing his MFA at Seattle Pacific University. He writes and teaches in Dallas, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Emily. |

Crusade for Lost and Frying Worms
Fiction |
Emily J. Lawrence is a young college graduate, eating tears and rejection letters as she waits for a "real job." She spends her time creating sentences nobody has ever muttered, metaphors never thought of, and characters who take over. Her work can be found in A Capella Zoo, Hawk and Handsaw, Luna Station Quarterly, and Glossolalia. She is an assistant editor at Literary Laundry. |

Poetry |
Judy Lorenzen holds a BA, English; MSED, Community Counseling (LMHP), and MA, Creative Writing from the University of Nebraska-Kearney. She received the 2007–2008 Outstanding Thesis Award for her poetry thesis, "Let Autumn Come." She also holds a Doctorate of Theology from an online seminary. She teaches high school English, is a Fine Lines online editor, and a past contributing writer for the Heartland Gatekeeper newspaper. Publications include The Nebraska English Journal, Nebraska Poet’s Calendar, Fine Lines, Times of Singing, 2009 Nebraska Shakespeare Sonnet Contest winner, 2010 Plains Song Review. She has three poems forthcoming in the Platte Valley Review. |

Communion of the Saints
Fiction |
Director of Creative Writing and Professor of English at Lock Haven University, Marjorie Maddox has published Perpendicular As I; Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation; Weeknights at the Cathedral; When the Wood Clacks Out Your Name: Baseball Poems; six chapbooks, and over 350 poems, stories, and essays in journals and anthologies. She is the co-editor of Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania (PSU Press, 2005) and author of two children’s books from Boyds Mills Press. The recipient of numerous awards, Marjorie lives with her husband and two children in Williamsport, PA. She gives readings and school visits across the country. For more info and reviews, please see |

The Dogs, Passage
Poetry |
D.S. Martin is a Canadian poet who has authored So The Moon Would Not Be Swallowed (Rubicon Press) and Poiema (Wipf & Stock)—which was an award winner at the 2009 Canadian Christian Writing Awards. His poems in this issue are from a series inspired by the life and writing of C.S. Lewis. Poems from this series have been previously selected for Anglican Theological Review, Relief 1.4, Ruminate, Sehnsucht, The Other Journal, and Windhover. Visit his blog about Christian poetry: |

Like a Spread-eagled Cat Suspended
Creative Nonfiction |
Samuel Thomas Martin is the award-winning author of This Ramshackle Tabernacle, a collection of linked short stories that has received great reviews since its publication in June 2010 by Breakwater Books. Sam also runs the literary blog Dark Art Cafe and he is at work on a new novel about an ex-Norwegian death-metalist turned hippy. |

Fiction |
A graduate of the University of Iowa Writers Workshop, Margot Patterson has worked as a writer and editor in this country and abroad. She now lives in the greater Kansas City area. |

The Art of Work
Creative Nonfiction |
A. S. "Pete" Peterson is the author of two historical adventure novels, The Fiddler's Gun and Fiddler's Green, and is a founding member of The Rabbit Room, a group of authors, musicians, pastors, and other artists engaged in an ongoing conversation about story, faith, art, and the importance of community. He lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee. |

The Birth, He knew What the knew When He knew
Poetry |
Linda Ravenswood is an internationally acclaimed performance artist, specializing in Music, Fine Art and Writing. Her creative and critical work has appeared in print and in recordings since her first publication in Ireland, where she lived in 1993. She holds a BFA from CalArts (2000) and an MA from Mount St. Mary’s College (2009). She works in live performance, in independent films and recording projects, and has appeared on PBS. Recently five fine art/installation pieces of hers appeared at an exhibit of international artists at The Pico House Gallery in Downtown Los Angeles (Autumn 2010). She is the principal juror for The Southern California Women's Art Caucus (2010-2011). The work included in this edition of Relief will appear in her new book, Hymnal, from Mouthfeel Press (Spring 2011). Linda lives in Los Angeles, and is pursuing her PhD. |

Elegy/Sound, Migration Quartet, The Vast - a ghazal
Poetry |
Michael Schmeltzer earned an MFA from the Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University. He helps edit A River & Sound Review and is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee. His work appears or is forthcoming in Natural Bridge, Water~Stone Review, New York Quarterly, Crab Creek Review, and Fourteen Hills, among others. He lives in Seattle. |

Forgotten Things
Fiction |
Karen Schravemade lives and writes in Australia. Her short stories have won first place in the Bauhinia Literary Competition and the Warana Writers’ Week awards, and have appeared in Idiom 23 and the Faithwriters’ anthologies. Before having children she used to dream about writing acclaimed novels in her spare time. Now she dreams about having spare time, and her greatest ambition is to get a full night’s sleep. |

The Secret, The Intercession of Time
Poetry |
Deborah J. Shore has poems forthcoming in Radix, Anglican Theological Review, Sea Stories, and Christianity and Literature. Additionally, she has won first place in two poetry competitions at the Alsop Review and has several other poems included in their print anthology. She has three books of Christian teaching under revision in addition to a couple of loosely formulated poetry manuscripts. |

The Place between My Hips
Creative Nonfiction |
Elizabeth Slater lives in the Midwest. This essay is a part of a manuscript entitled, What Is Romantic, Honestly, which chronicles a successful attempt by her and her husband to have sex 183 times in a year. |

In Her Shoes
Creative Nonfiction |
Wai Jia is a 23-year old final year medical student who dreams of becoming a missionary. Constantly inspired by the strength of the marginalised, her burden for the poor drives her passion for community outreach. She is the author and illustrator of Kitesong, a picture book which raised more than $110,000 to build a new Home for needy children in Nepal. Her next book, A Taste of Rainbow, will be launched in Feb 2011 to raise funds and awareness for people suffering from eating disorders in Singapore. She loves writing, cycling and rainbows. Read her blog at |
Also featured in this issue is Johana-Marie Williams' poem "Pablo Picasso, Woman with a Book."