Relief News Tuesday 3.8.2011 — Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith

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Relief News Tuesday 3.8.2011

Ian David Philpot

#LoveRelief Update

So you may have already noticed, but our support raising campaign is really coming along. We're at 13% of our goal and feeling good about it. But do you know what would make us feel better? Giving to us if you haven't already so we can get that 13% over 20% by the end of this week.

If every person that visited our website last month gave us $1, we would have more than enough money to meet our campaign goal. If everyone who visited our website in the next two days gave us $1, we'd be over that 20% goal for this week. Just $1. That's a cup of cheap coffee. We're not asking you to donate the cost of a cup of Starbucks coffee--though we wouldn't mind it. But maybe if you just gave up the cost of a cup of coffee that you'd order at that run-down diner you visit too late on Saturday nights. Really, that's all we need here.

So if you've got some spare change sitting around, think of the positive effect it would have if you gave it to your favorite edgy Christian literary journal. :)

Introducing Travis Griffith, Blog Manager

Relief is proud to announce the arrival of Travis Griffith as the new Blog Manager. Travis has blogged for Relief in the past, and we appreciate his willingness to conquer the tasks that are required in this new staff position. Travis is a Relief published author, and he has a book out called Your Father Forever. Please join me in welcoming Travis to the Relief staff.