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Filtering by Tag: bestseller

Relief News Tuesday 2.23.2010

Ian David Philpot

My Name is Russell Fink a Kindle Bestseller

Michael Snyder's first book, My Name is Russell Fink, is #2 of 100 on Amazon's "Bestsellers in Kindle Store" page.  The digital text download is currently FREE, so head on over to the Bestsellers page and get yourself a copy!  Michael Snyder's story "Normal People"--mentioned in Robert Garbacz's blog on texture last night--can also be found in digital form on our Scribd page under Issue 3.1.

In case you missed it...

Relief is thoughtfully reading through some Psalms during this Lenten season, and you are more than welcome to join us.  In case you missed the first post on Left Relief, click here.

We are also sold out of Issue 3.2.  A blog was written about the details of the sell out, but, in case you missed it, click here.