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Filtering by Tag: relief mug

Relief News Thursday 5.27.2010

Ian David Philpot

Official 4.1 Cover

It's right there in the sidebar, and doesn't it look great?!

4.1 Presales

If you want to get yourself a copy of issue 4.1 for 25% off, you have three and a half more days to do so.  Presales for 4.1 will only be good until 11:59 PM on May 30. So hurry up and order a copy already!

New Buy Page

Our Web Editor--who is writing about himself in the third person right now--was up very late last night perfecting a new streamlined Relief store. This is because we will soon be offering all of our issues as eBooks for your computer, Kindle, Sony Reader, etc.  We are also discussing expanding our store to include the infamous Relief mug, as seen in pictures below. (We can't make any promises about adding it yet, but if you let us know how much you love it, the chances of it becoming available increase by 100 times--I promise.)

Attention 4.1 Authors

If you are a 4.1 author, please check the e-mail account connected to your Online Submission System account for an e-mail from me. There is some time sensitive information in there, and I don't want you to miss it.