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Filtering by Tag: rock & sling

Relief News Thursday 7.8.2010

Ian David Philpot

Rock & Sling returns!

If you follow Relief's twitter account, then you may remember hearing us mention @rockandsling back in April when we were at the 2010 Festival of Faith & Writing.  In case you missed the tweet, we were announcing the return of a fellow Christian literary journal, Rock & Sling.

Rock & Sling disappeared from the literary world a couple years ago, but they have returned with the backing of Whitworth University.  They are presently offering subscriptions, and we recommend you look into getting one.  After you've signed up for a subscription for Relief, of course. ;)

Be sure to check them out at

Free .pdf of 4.1

If you received a copy of Relief 4.1, then we have an offer for you to get a free copy of the .pdf file so you can read it on your computer, e-book reader, etc.  All you have to do is write a review of Relief 4.1 on or  Once you've posted a review, put the link in a comment to this post, and we will send you the .pdf of 4.1 within 24 hours.  (Offer expires July 24, 2010.)