Relief News Tuesday 10.27.2009 — Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith

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Relief News Tuesday 10.27.2009

Ian David Philpot

Registration for the 2010 Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College is open!  The festival is scheduled for April 15-17, 2010, and registration is running at $165 right now.  (The price tag will increase to $180 by February 1, 2010.)  Student registration is only $80, but spaces are limited.  Groups of six or more can register with a $15 discount, and professors that bring six or more students can get in free. Relief plans on attending this wonderful event and we hope to see you there!

Next couple weeks worth of blogs

As Relief is heading towards opening up submissions for issue 4.1, we thought it would be a great time to highlight work that we find exceptional.  The books we will be reviewing are: Making Crosses: A Creative Connection to God by Ellen Morris Prewitt, 64 Questions by David Holper, and mY Generation: A Real Journey of Change and Hope by Josh Riebock.

While these books can each give you a great idea of what kind of submissions we are expecting, one of the best ways to understand us best is by reading one of our issues.  If you haven't read one before, you can download the eBook here or visit the store and purchase a copy here.