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Filtering by Tag: richard bausch

Relief News Tuesday 4.27.2010

Ian David Philpot

Calvin Panel Video

As of right now, the video for the Relief/Midnight Diner panel at the Festival of Faith and Writing is still in the process of being split in the appropriate places, changed to a format that is compatible with YouTube/Vimeo, and we should have the first half posted on the blog this Saturday.  We apologize for it taking so long, but the video files are so big that they've been crashing Microsoft's Movie Maker every time it's loaded.  So look for it on here, on Facebook, YouTube, etc. on Saturday.

The Stickman Video

While at the Festival of Faith and Writing, the ccPublishing crew had a lot of fun.  A little too much fun, some might say.  A summation of one of those "too much fun" instances can be found HERE at Heather Goodman's blog.  Her post also contains a link to the "Stickman" video on Facebook.  You can expect that one to make it to YouTube on Saturday as well.

We also recommend  you read Heather's humorous "What I Learned at Calvin."  Some of it is inside jokes, but it is all useful information.

The Case Against Writing Manuals

Speaking of humorous reading recommendations, you should definitely go read "How to Write in 700 Easy Lessons" by Richard Bausch.  It's a great essay that recommends reading good literature over reading "How-to-write" manuals.