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Filtering by Tag: calvin

Saying it New at the Festival: Art and the Christian

Jake Slaughter

In our daily lives it may be rare for us to find people excited about the same things we are. Our Christian friends may not care about our art, and our artistic friends may not care about our faith. It was different at this festival, though. I felt a strong connection with everyone I interacted with.

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This Ragged Band: Post-Festival Thoughts

Brad Fruhauff

We had a spirit connection: a connection in Christ and a connection through our creative passions. As Dave Harrity, director of the Antler writing and teaching community wrote in a post-conference email, "Isn't it wild what the incarnation has done to our relationships? Instant friends with like-minded people."

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Festivals, Comics, and Craig Thompson

Jake Slaughter

Thompson is a highly skilled artist, and his autobiographical narrative feels impressively honest and personal. The story is primarily concerned with his first experiences of falling in love while in high school and his life growing up in a Christian church.

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Relief News Tuesday 4.27.2010

Ian David Philpot

Calvin Panel Video

As of right now, the video for the Relief/Midnight Diner panel at the Festival of Faith and Writing is still in the process of being split in the appropriate places, changed to a format that is compatible with YouTube/Vimeo, and we should have the first half posted on the blog this Saturday.  We apologize for it taking so long, but the video files are so big that they've been crashing Microsoft's Movie Maker every time it's loaded.  So look for it on here, on Facebook, YouTube, etc. on Saturday.

The Stickman Video

While at the Festival of Faith and Writing, the ccPublishing crew had a lot of fun.  A little too much fun, some might say.  A summation of one of those "too much fun" instances can be found HERE at Heather Goodman's blog.  Her post also contains a link to the "Stickman" video on Facebook.  You can expect that one to make it to YouTube on Saturday as well.

We also recommend  you read Heather's humorous "What I Learned at Calvin."  Some of it is inside jokes, but it is all useful information.

The Case Against Writing Manuals

Speaking of humorous reading recommendations, you should definitely go read "How to Write in 700 Easy Lessons" by Richard Bausch.  It's a great essay that recommends reading good literature over reading "How-to-write" manuals.

Relief News Tuesday 4.13.2010

Ian David Philpot

The Fury before the Festival

Last weeks news was all about us preparing for Calvin, and that's what we're still doing 48 hours before the 2010's Festival of Faith and Writing begins!  No worries though.  God has been taking care of us.

For those of you who will be at the festival, we can't wait to see you!  Beyond that, we can't wait to show you what we've got in store!

Teaser Alert: Michelle Pendergrass went overboard on the movie theme for our booth. It. Will. Be. Awesome!

For those of you who can't make it, you won't be missing out!  We'll have pictures going up on the blog and on Facebook Thursday-Saturday, along with some video recaps every night that will feature the staff and any Relief/Diner published authors that stop by.  Since we will be connected to both the website, Facebook, and Twitter all day, don't hesitate to ask any burning questions that you might have for us.  We really want you all to share in the festival fun.

4.1 Cover

Though Relief has always been blessed with great content from great writers, we have also been blessed with connections to great artists who create fantastic covers for our content to be bound within.

This issue is no exception.

Our anticipated cover art will officially show up on the blog in the next couple weeks, but we are sure that you will be able to see it in many of the pictures that will be taken at Calvin, so keep your eyes open for it!

Relief News Tuesday 4.6.2010

Ian David Philpot

Calvin -- A week and a half away

Our hotel rooms are booked, rides coordinated, and we're e-mail wrestling to settle who gets to see what panel at what time. The entire ccPublishing/Relief staff is anxious to get into Grand Rapids, MI next Wednesday to set up for Calvin College's Festival of Faith and Writing. So it's probably about time we introduce our theme...

Calvin - At the movies!

So, it's probably not a surprise since you've seen our adjusted logo for a week new, but it's about to get a lot more interesting!

At Calvin, we will be introducing the cover of issue 4.1 as "Coming Soon" posters.  We will also have business cards that look like movie tickets that will double as raffle tickets.  We will be raffling two gift baskets a day that will have a copy of the journal, a 2 liter of soda, a bag of popcorn, a box of candy, and a couple of notebooks from our amazing sponsor (Quo Vadis).

Calvin - On the blog

For those of you who cannot make it to Calvin this year, you don't have to miss out on the experience.  Next Wednesday--Saturday, we will be uploading pictures and videos of what's going on at the conference.  This will include pictures of the new cover, staff, and published authors who stop by our booth.  (We are even looking into streaming the Relief/Diner panel. No promises yet.)

Calvin - A social media frenzy

For the conference, we will be tweeting from @ReliefJournal as much as possible, but don't forget to catch tweets from ccPublshing President and Diner Editor Michelle Pendergrass (@michpendergrass), Relief Editor-in-Chief and Fiction Editor Christopher Fisher (@ReliefEditor), Poetry Editor Brad Fruhauff (@BradFruhauff), founding President and Editor Kimberly Culbertson (@KimCulbertson), and Web Editor Ian Philpot (@iphilpot).

We will also be using mobile uploads to send exclusive pictures directly to our Facebook page.

So friend us, follow us, and don't miss out!

Relief News Tuesday 3.30.2010

Ian David Philpot

Coming Soon...To Calvin!

As you heard from Michelle on Monday, we're all really excited about Calvin's Festival of Faith and Writing. We're going to have a special theme to our booth.  To give you a hint: the theme is directly related to the logo at the top of this page. :) We can't tell you every aspect about our booth quite yet because we don't want to spoil the fun, but it's going to be awesome! Register now and don't miss us!

Coming Soon...To Your Doorstep!

We have finally received a new shipment of issue 3.2! All of you who ordered issues will be receiving them soon and all new orders will be shipped after that. Click here to order one.

Issue 4.1 will also be available for order very soon! We will be opening pre-orders at a discounted price around the same time that we unveil the cover art. We are very excited about this issues as it will be the first under the new Editor-in-Chief, Christopher Fisher.

Relief News Tuesday 3.23.2010

Ian David Philpot

Review of 3.2

"Karen" at wrote a review of Relief Issue 3.2 (find it HERE).  We appreciate when people write reviews of our journal, so if you have written one or want to write one, let us know so we can feature it in RNT.

A new online journal has arrived on the scene under the name: "Junk, a Literary Fix."  If you head on over to, you can see the start of a brand new creative nonfiction journal headed by Tim Elhajj.  While Junk is not proclaiming itself as a faith based journal, they are open to CNF from the faith perspective.

Junk is still gearing up before it's completely launched, but in the meantime they're doing their best to build community over at, so read more about what Junk is/is looking to be there..

Calvin in < 1 Month

We're getting closer and closer to Calvin's Festival of Faith and Writing, and we are all so excited for it!  If you haven't signed up yet, hurry!  If you are signed up, we can't wait to see you there either during the Relief panel or at our booth.

Relief News Tuesday 1.19.2010

Ian David Philpot

Photo Haiku is Coming Back!

Starting tomorrow, Relief will resuming Photo Haiku Wednesday.  Not only will it be back in all of its glory, but Michelle Pendergrass has seen to it that we will have prizes!

Thanks to Michelle and the great people over at Quo Vadis we will have a Quo Vadis notebook (that's a picture of it on the right) and a bottle of J. Herbin ink.  Michelle wrote a great review of Quo Vadis products, and you can read it here.  After that, make sure you check out their website ( to see all of the cool stuff that they make--some of it is really awesome!  After that, make sure you follow them on Twitter (

Don't forget about Calvin!

Relief is going to be well represented at Calvin's Festival of Faith and Writing April 15-17.  We're working on something special for the festival, and we would love to see you there, so make sure you get your tickets from their website (