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Another Notable Mention for a Great Relief Author

Christopher Fisher

A. Trevor Sutton's essay "Modern Love: The Findings of a Sorority Chaplain" (Relief 3.1) has been selected by Robert Atwan as a "notable essay of 2009" in the Houghton Mifflin Best American Essays 2010 anthology. Trevor's essay is the second to receive notable mention in this anthology, and as I've already told him, nothing makes us happier than seeing our authors get the recognition they deserve. Since Relief is (for the time being) not able to pay for publication as we would like, we do everything we can to promote our authors and see their work anthologized and honored beyond publication in the journal. In our less than 4 years of publication, we have been thrilled to see 6 of our authors receive honorable mentions in anthologies such as Pushcart Prize, Best American Essays, and The Best Spiritual Writing.

So a special thanks and congratulations, Trevor. You've done us proud.

Relief Recommends: D. S. Martin's Kingdom Poets Blog

Christopher Fisher

Relief author D. S. Martin is doing some interesting things at his blog Kindgom Poets , which serves as a resource for anyone interested in Christian poetry. As he describes it, "The Kingdom Poets blog is a resource of poets of the Christian faith, regardless of background; there is no attempt made to assess orthodoxy, but simply to present poets who speak profoundly of faith in God.

Mr. Martin is a returning author who has two poems appearing in the upcoming Relief 4.2.

Ultrasonic Creativity

Michael Dean Clark

I wish there was an ultrasound for the creative impulse.

As I write that, I disagree with myself. Allow me to play devil’s advocate for my own idea.

Point: Recently, I was sitting in the doctor’s office with my wife and two external children looking at their half-done brother on a screen and it occurred to me that it would be really helpful if every once in awhile I could hook my imagination to a sensor and get a look at what’s going on in there.

I’d even put that nasty gel on my forehead to do it.

Counter: The point of art is the discovery. Knowing what is at present unknowable completely destroys the mystery that causes humans to seek. To hope. To wonder.

Hooking up to a machine to juice that system would only make a medium that can struggle with predictability even less impacting. What if the question inside my head that I can’t answer is supposed to be presented as just that: a question worth wrestling with an angel?

Point: Now, I’m not advocating a wholesale push to scan my way into ruining the beauty of the revelatory experience. I like finding out what’s going to happen as the story unfolds in my own work as much as I do in others.

I’m also not convinced that prolonged contact with whatever electrical signals are being sent out by a machine that could see into a part of a person’s psyche would be medically advisable, not to mention the increased use of said nasty goop.

But there are times when I can’t wrestle out something I know is there. I write it as many ways as I can think to and the character won’t take shape. The dialogue won’t stop sounding like a beer commercial. The conflict won’t stop sounding like it came from a Lifetime movie.  

In these instances, I think a mental ultrasound would work like Metamucil.

Counter: Really? A laxative for your head? There are just so many ways that metaphor hurts my feelings. I’m thinking that writing through the issue would work more like Actvia with Bifidus Regularis (you’re welcome Jamie Lee Curtis). Over time and with consistent use, the writing process will either fix the issue or provide the context that the author’s perspective on the idea they cannot articulate is what needs fixing.

Point: Here’s the thing: before we went to see the doctor for the scan, my wife was worried. She couldn’t tell if she was feeling the baby move or imagining it, a fear made worse because we hadn’t seen a doctor for a couple months courtesy of switching jobs, states, and insurances. She worried that there might be something wrong with him.

And then the ultrasound tech poked Judah with the scanner a bit harder than he liked. Soccer-ready, our boy kicked back. Later, Heather told me being able to feel the kick and see his foot moving on the screen made all the times she’d doubted whether or not he was actually moving disappear into certainty.

I imagine a similar certainty about the detail that eludes us in a story might clear a lot more of the paths we want to walk than just that particular piece of the puzzle.

Counter: Or, certainty robs the expecting parent of their faith during the waiting and the author of what makes their work even remotely original. And, how incredibly invasive would that scan be? I’d wager the experience would be more embarrassing than those full-body scanners that show you naked under your clothes to the groping eyes of TSA.

Either way, just imagine the types of things we’d see in images of our imaginations…Or don’t.

Michael Dean Clark is an author of fiction and nonfiction who appreciates a good laxitive metaphor as much as the next guy (and probably more than the next girl). He teaches at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California where he lives with his wife and 2.5 chidren.


Michael Dean Clark

A week ago, I wore a suit to work. And a tie. And a vest.

This is not cause for alarm, except for some of my new students who felt compelled ask why I’d done it. Backing up a bit, there are three cultural assumptions at work here.

First: Writers don’t look like “writers” unless their outfit was picked up off the bedroom floor, shaken out, and put on quickly enough that one of the buttons in the shirt is in the wrong hole (if the shirt has all of its buttons to begin with).

Second: People who just completed a Ph.D. don’t have enough money to own a suit that makes them look like they could be a teller at the local Bank of America branch.

Third: Being that my new university sits right on the Pacific Ocean, I should apparently deliver my lectures in shorts, sandals, and with a liberal use of the term “dude.”

The intersection of all these ideas is exactly why I wear the suit. Call it a fashionable object lesson.

The more I write and the more I work with other writers, the more convinced I am that the greatest obstacle standing in the way of originality is not our practice of making cultural assumptions and then extending those assumptions into stereotypes. Rather, the problem lies in our inability to identify those assumptive forces within ourselves. In writing, this is deadly.

I know, this isn’t rocket science. Then again, the rocket scientists I’ve known more often than not suffer from the same blindness.

We can’t see within ourselves the systems that guide our opinions and actions when we decide what is and is not acceptable, desirable, and worth pursuing. And when we can’t see them, we can’t challenge them.

In critical theory, folks like Foucault would point to our blind spot for the control of systems outside of us as the culprits for this blindness. We are enmeshed in overlapping, intertwined mechanisms that create the internal latticework of opinions and attitudes that “guide” us.

I tend to see humans as more autonomous than that, but I’m not as smart as Michel was. And yet, I’m pretty sure his ability to theorize about those systems (and my subsequent assumption that they are there) means I can’t lay back and blame everything outside of me for my internal blind spots.

If I’m going to be a writer, I must identify and own the places where I lack sight. Not only that, I need to wallow in them and then make them public. This is the mirror artists hold up to culture. And a mirror is only effective if it reflects clearly (unless you want to avoid your blemishes, in which case I’d suggest taking stock in why you are so afraid of yourself).

So sometimes I wear a suit. That way, when people’s stereotypes are challenged, I can talk about it with them. Hopefully those conversations will lead me and others to a more refined understanding of the forces at work within us and a broader vocabulary with which to talk about them.

Michael Dean Clark is a writer, teacher, and former Southern California ex-patriot in the Midwest. Currently, he is at work on…nothing. His new job as a professor of writing at Point Loma Nazarene University has left no time for stories of his own. He hopes that is not the case for much longer, otherwise people may begin to question his qualifications for said new job.

Leaving Life to the Man Upstairs


The scent of a Hallmark store gives me the same feeling as when I inadvertently remember how my kindergarten teacher smelled.  It was a heartwarming scent, though an odd memory, but more than recognizable for reasons understood only in my brain.  The ladies at the front greeted me as I entered an almost empty store.  They asked if I needed help.  I should have said, “Yes.”  The maze of greeting cards tested my will.  In all the stores I have been to for Hallmark, I’ve never had such difficulty finding what I wanted; after all, she will be 81 years young August 31st and I have to find the perfect card.  I found rows of “sympathy” and “thank you” cards, of “get well soon” and “congratulations cards”, and the all-too-exciting milestone cards.  Round and round I went through the aisles till I found “her birthday.”

I’m one of those people who is less than satisfied with looking at only five or six cards and picking one.  Oh no.  I must have opened thirty cards, and the second one I read, that’s the one I chose.  I have to make sure I’ve picked the very best I can.  I have to make sure it says everything I want it to say without being more than eight lines; I don’t give books inside cards.  As I wandered through these cards, I considered that this may be the last one I give her; this may be the last August that she sees.  But I quickly push that thought away.  She has been a devoutly religious woman since as long as I can remember.  God has been good to her, she would say.  God has blessed her with long life and the chance to see her grand babies.

Many of my friends have never met their grandparents, or were not old enough to remember them.  The lady at the register told me how lucky I was that I had the chance to spend time with my grandmother, that most people never get that chance.  I considered the concept, the idea of not having that chance, but had no way to fathom  it.  All four of my grandparents are still alive.  All of them are almost eighty, if not already.  My grandparents would all tell you it is God who has gifted them with long life and a chance to see their grandbabies.  What about chance?  The chance that they still live to this day, that they have been alive through more than fifteen presidents, through the Depression, World and Gulf Wars, through the times of housewives and flappers, less than a decade after women gained the right to vote, through a time when inequality of races and sex was a perfectly accepted concept?  But leave long life to chance?  Never.

Leann Fischel is about to become a 2010 graduate of Sam Houston State University where she spent the last three years falling in love with writing.  She has read the classics by Twain, Shakespeare, Dostoevskyand many others and yes, the Harry Potter AND Twilight series.  She hopes a job will find her in San Antonio in the next six months so she can be a workin’ woman.

Relief News Tuesday 8.17.2010

Ian David Philpot

New Staff Member

It is our pleasure to introduce another staff member that has been added to the Relief team: Leann Fischel!  Leann is our brand-new intern (a position I once filled--and look where it got me!). She will be assisting with submission reading and writing for our blog.

Here is Leann's bio:

Leann is about to become a 2010 graduate of Sam Houston State University where she spent the last three years falling in love with writing.  She has read the classics by Twain, Shakespeare, Dostoevskyand many others and yes, the Harry Potter AND Twilight series.  She hopes a job will find her in San Antonio in the next six months so she can be a workin' woman.

If you would be so kind, leave a comment welcoming her to our staff!

Help Wanted!

Right now, Relief is in a period of growth. While we like to think we've got enough hardworking people, we actually need more. And our sister publication, The Midnight Diner, could use some more team members too.

Starting next Thursday, we will be launching a "Help Wanted" tab at the top of the page advertising between three and five positions that we need to fill to keep up with our expansion. The positions are part time (10-25 hours a week) and will require a resumé to be submitted with the application.

If you have any questions, leave a comment after the one you've already left welcoming Leann.

Announcing Diner 3 Authors!

Ian David Philpot

I'm not going to lie. I was terrified when Coach handed me the keys to The Midnight Diner.  This third edition would not have come to fruition without the absolutely amazing (all volunteer!!) staff. In all my (almost) forty years, I've never witnessed people working together so flawlessly. This well-oiled machine was definitely greased by The Big Man.  I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I have enjoyed publishing them.

Eric Ortlund "A Thousand Flowers" Editor's Choice

Eric Ortlund teaches Hebrew and Old Testament at Briercrest Seminary in Saskatchewan, Canada. When he is not playing with his two kids, he is busy reading Gene Wolfe and Neil Gaiman and planning his next novel.

Edward Erdelac "The Blood Bay" Editor's Choice

Edward Erdelac was born in Indiana, educated in Chicago, and lives in the Los Angeles area with his family. He is an award winning screenwriter, an independent filmmaker, a sometime Star Wars contributor, and the author of Merkabah Rider: Tales of a High Planes Drifter, the acclaimed first installment in a weird western series from Damnation Books.

Brian J. Hatcher "Clockworks of Hell" Editor's Choice

Brian J. Hatcher is an author, poet, and editor from Charleston WV. His work has appeared in the "Legends of the Mountain State" series, the poetry anthology "Leonard Cohen: You're Our Man", the Stoker-award winning "Writers Workshop of Horror", and Weird Tales Magazine. Brian will be appearing in "The Terror at Miskatonic Falls", "Blood Lite 2: Overbite", and the fourth volume of "Legends of the Mountain State". "Mountain Magic: Spellbinding Tales of Appalachia", Brian's first anthology as editor, will be coming out sometime this fall. Keep up with Brian at

Kevin Brown Kevin Brown "Monster Made"

Kevin Brown has had work published in over one hundred journals and magazines, and has won numerous competitions and fellowships. He was also nominated for a 2007 Journey Award and a Pushcart Prize. His first short-story collection, Ink On Wood, is forthcoming from Virgogray Press. His website is:

Kevin Lucia Diner Alumni "Lonely Places"

Kevin Lucia is the Review Editor for Shroud Magazine. His short fiction has appeared in several anthologies. He's currently finishing his Creative Writing Masters Degree at Binghamton University, he teaches high school English and lives in Castle Creek, New York with his wife and children. He is the author of Hiram Grange & The Chosen One, Book Four of The Hiram Grange Chronicles. Visit him on the web at

Greg Mitchell Greg Mitchell Diner Alumni "Flesh and Blood"

As a child, Greg Mitchell was afraid of monsters. So, naturally, when he grew up, he devoted his life to writing stories about people shooting monsters in their hairy faces. He has contributed to the Star Wars continuity as well as the Halloween franchise based on the original John Carpenter film. The first novel in his “The Coming Evil” faith-versus-fear series, “The Strange Man”, was originally self-published in 2007, and a revised and expanded edition is due out February 2011 from Realms Fiction. While he’s not writing about monsters, he, his wife Meghan, and their two daughters can be found preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse at their home in northeast Arkansas. Check him out

M.L. Archer Diner Alumni "Virtuoso"

A native of Los Angeles, M.L. Archer, has been writing fiction since the age of eight . . . the same year she started violin lessons. An alumnus of the St. Louis Youth Orchestra, under Leonard Slatkins's direction, she went on to play with a number of adult groups including everything from The Way Orchestra to the Grand Ol' Opry. She owns a magic violin named Max and is always pleased when her two favorite subjects, writing and the violin, manage to meet.

Douglas Kolacki Douglas Kolacki "Cloak"

Douglas Kolacki began writing while stationed with the Navy in Italy, where he received his first story earnings in a Red Cross contest. Since then he has placed fiction in Dragons Knights & Angels, Mindflights, Dreams & Visions and Weird Tales. He currently lives and writes in San Diego.

Lon Prater "Way of Cold Teeth"

Lon Prater is an active duty Navy officer by day, writer of odd little tales by night. His short fiction has appeared in the Stoker-winning anthology Borderlands 5, Writers of the Future XXI, and Origins Award finalist Frontier Cthulhu. He is an avid Texas Hold’em player, occasional stunt kite flyer, and connoisseur of history, theme parks and haunted hayrides. To find out more, visit

Chris Mikesell Diner Alumni, Contributing Editor "Hanlon's Folly"

If you were to take a dictionary and highlight all the words in it that pertain to Chris Mikesell, you would wind up with a hefty fine for defacing library reference materials. You would also probably be left with plenty of ink in your Hi-Liter. Chris lives in suburban Dallas with his wife (Dina), his son (Philip), and his regrets (a few, but then again, too few to mention) and teaches Sophomore English (think you're smarter than a 10th Grader? Visit his class website at His fiction has appeared in DKA (now Mindflights), Ray Gun Revival, and the previous editions of Coach's Midnight Diner. He has no interest in cliff diving, but has no objection to living vicariously through the lives of his characters.

Announcing Diner 3 Authors, continued...

Ian David Philpot

Jason Hubbard Derr Jason Hubbard Derr "Haunting of Mabel"

Jason Hubbard Derr holds an MA in Theological Studies from the Vancouver School of Theology and studied creative writing in his undergrad at Eastern Washington University. HIs writing has appeared in Relief, and The Huffington Post and his first book will soon be released by the Progressive Christian Alliance Press. Jason is a Theologian-In-Affiliation with the Progressive Christian Alliance and is married to Erin. They live in Vancouver, BC.

Michael Dean Clark "Beneath Its Weight"

Michael Dean Clark is an author of fiction and nonfiction situated primarily in the San Diego area. His work has appeared in Relief, FastForward, and Literary Circular among other outlets. He lives in San Diego with his wife and almost three children and works as a professor of writing at Point Loma Nazarene University.

Libby Cudmore "Preacher Man"

Libby Cudmore is a regular contributor to Hardboiled. a Twist of Noir, Celebrities in Disgrace and Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, where her story "Unplanned" won a Bullet Award in August 2009 and was nominated for a Derringer award in 2010. Her work has also appeared in The MacGuffin, the Yalobusha Review, the Chaffey Review, the Southern Women's Review, Xenith, Inertia, Battered Suitcase, Big Pulp (with Matthew Quinn Martin) Eastern Standard Crime, Pulp Pusher, the Flash Fiction Offensive, PowderBurnFlash and the anthology Relationships and Other Stuff. Her stories are forthcoming in issues of Crime Factory, Connotation Press and the anthologies We'll Always Have Chicago and Quantum Genre on the Planet of the Arts (also with Matthew Quinn Martin).

Matthew Quinn Martin Contributing Editor "Big Apple Gothic" Matthew Quinn Martin is a New York based writer. His original screenplay Slingshot was made into a feature film starring Juliana Margulies, David Arquette, Thora Birch, Balthazar Getty and Joely Fisher. Slingshot had its premiere at the TriBeCa Film Festival, 2005, has been featured onAccess Hollywood, and is currently on DVD, distributed by the Weinstein Co.

Matthew's prose fiction has been published (or is forthcoming) in Transition Magazine,The Crossing Chaos Anthology: Quantum Genre on the Planet of Arts, and Big Pulp (co-written with Libby Cudmore), Thuglit,MFA/MFYou Literary Journal, A Twist of Noir,Eastern Standard Crime, The Oddville Press,Aphelion and The Flash Fiction Offensive.

His screenplay A Very Good Year, featuring Dan Lauria (The Wonder Years) and Gaius Charles (Friday Night Lights) was presented at FilmFest New Haven. Other works of his have been produced by NYCollective and The New Haven Theatre Co. In addition he has acted as a consultant or ghostwriter on numerous projects for film and television.

He can also be seen flitting around the margins of your TV set...most notably in a recurring co-starring role on the first season of the JJ Abrams created Fringe.

Colin McKay Miller "The Ocean Thief"

Colin McKay Miller is a writer and volunteer halfway house minister from Edinburgh, Scotland. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in numerous publications, including Vagabond Press’ MIND anthology and in Colored Chalk (which he has guest edited). He lives in Colorado with his wife and daughter.

Edoardo Albert

Edoardo Albert "Last Door"

Edoardo Albert is a professional writer and editor, born and based in London, although his parents come from Italy and Sri Lanka. He's married, with two sons, and once wrote a lonely hearts ad that reduced a friend to a state of helpless, hysterical laughter. At the moment, he's typing out a novel written long hand, finishing short stories and trying to find freelance work. Any job offers will be considered.

Virginia Hernandez Diner Alumni "A Better Place"

Virginia Hernandez is not having much luck finding time to write because life with her husband and three terrific kids keeps getting in the way. However, she is officially interested in the multiple world theory and hopes this existence is the one where her novels get published.

Jeff Chapman "Princess and Vampire"

Jeff Chapman writes fairy tales, fantasy, and ghost stories. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Golden Visions Magazine,Mindflights, and Third Order. Hearing the expression "just a fairy tale" rankles him. He lives with his wife and children in a house with more books than bookshelf space. Stop by his blog at

Photo Haiku Wednesday 8.04.10

Michelle Pendergrass

Photo courtesy of Michelle Pendergrass.


1. Write a haiku inspired by the photo and post it in the comments.

For extra chances to win:

2. Follow @reliefjournal on Twitter

3. Follow @Quo Vadis on Twitter

4. Twitter @reliefjournal with your haiku and #PHW (Photo Haiku Wednesday)

* * *

The good people over at Quo Vadis have generously donated some prizes!!

The weekly winner will receive a Quo Vadis Habana Journal and a bottle of J. Herbin ink!!

Every week Relief will choose a random winner! So play along and tell your friends. See the information below for extra chances to win.

* * *

Winner will be announced via Twitter Thursday afternoons.

We can only ship to U.S. addresses right now.

You may only win once every three months, but you may play along every week for Twitter Super Bonus Points.

* * *

Would you like to have your photo featured on Photo Haiku Wednesday?

Email your photos to Michelle:

You'll get a photo credit link here on the main blog and you'll also be entered in the drawing for the Quo Vadis Habana journal and bottle of J. Herbin ink the week your photo appears on the blog!

Becoming (anti)Matter

Michael Dean Clark

A recent conversation has me pondering. This is usually cause for the people nearest me to flee the room or at the very least duck. But since this is in (virtual) print, you can decide now whether or not this post is a danger to you.

Really, I just lied to you. It wasn’t the whole conversation that set me thinking about this idea. It was more a statement within the conversation. Or, more specifically, it was a part of a comment within a particularly important part of the conversation. But here I am, the next day, still turning it over in my mind.

So, in lieu of therapy that would cost a lot more and require an appointment with a counselor, I’ll work through this here: Are we all destined to matter?

As you can see, I like small issues easily settled in less than a thousand words.

The knee-jerker in me leaps to yes. Or leaped. Leapt?

The (apparently) easy answer is, of course, we all matter despite ourselves. That’s the Sunday school message and, if your theology or social understanding is western and affluent, it makes sense to you. We are the one lost sheep important enough for the other 99 to be left behind in order to find us. Ergo, we matter.

But the crack in that logic rides a fine line with what makes it true. We assume our worth is intrinsic so that every decision we choose to make has meaning, and yet, even in the safest, most affluent and “important” country in the world, so many of us struggle with a deep sense of just how utterly unchanged the world would be without us. That nothing we do makes a difference. Simply, that we don’t matter.

And that’s here. What about the billion and a half people in the world so poor they are virtually invisible to those of us affluent enough to have the time to ruminate on our relative worth? The children who die of hunger rather than struggle with childhood obesity? Those defined as elderly when they reach their late forties? Those who die of diseases almost non-existent in places where vaccines are stockpiled?

Before I slip into a treatise on economic inequality, let me return to the original question: does everyone matter?

Not if they’re never shown they do. And to help people see their value, those of us who were born into “mattering” need to recalibrate our understanding of success. Success is never a grand gesture. It’s never a lottery ticket. It’s never going to leave us saying “I love it when a plan comes together.”

In fact, success is almost never something we can claim credit for. And if it’s really success, we won’t want to. It won’t make us feel worth more. It will more likely underscore just how little we matter. It will leave us discontent rather than fulfilled because it will feel small.

Success can’t pay or it becomes gain. And gain is something even in these economically challenging times we need less of. Especially in these economically challenging times. Success is giving and loss and dirty and quite likely painful in the process of achieving.

But if one wants to matter – and in this way everyone absolutely can matter – success must be measured in what’s given up, not what is acquired. 

Michael Dean Clark is on vacation. When vacation ends, he will not be on it anymore. He will most likely be saddened by that. But his new job is near the beach, so he probably won’t remain sad. Currently, he is reading submissions for Relief 4.2 and prepping for the damage he is about to inflict on his students in the fall.

Relief 4.1 Editor's Note

Christopher Fisher

If I may be so bold, those of you who haven't yet ordered your copy of Relief 4.1 are missing out on some great writing by some very talented authors. In the coming weeks, we will be featuring samples of work from a few of these writers, just to give you a taste of what you're missing.

Sentimental as it sounds, I suspect this particular issue (my first as Editor-in-Chief) will always hold a special place in my heart. So to start off the sampling, below is the Relief 4.1 "From the Editor's Desk" in its entirety.

res·o·nate (rěz’ə-nāt’) v. intr. 1. To exhibit or produce resonance or resonant effects. 2. To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief: “It is a demonology [that] seems to resonate among secular and religious voters alike” (Tamar Jacoby). 3. To correspond closely or harmoniously: “Symbolism matters, especially if the symbols resonate with the larger message” (William Greider).1

WHEN I THINK OF RELIEF—when I try to explain where this journal fits in the scheme of contemporary publishing—I think of singing and razor wire.

Bear with me.

In my short time as Editor-in-Chief of this journal, I’ve found that one of the most difficult tasks is just explaining what Relief is, what we do, and for whom we do it. The truth, I have come to believe, is that there is no particular category to which the book in your hand belongs. As our subtitle makes clear, Relief is a religious literary journal (though not every piece we publish is overtly religious). And yet it is clearly not like so many publications that are grouped in that particular pocket of the publishing industry. Christian publishing has, over several decades, drawn a clear line of demarcation between the religious and the mainstream. The natural consequence of this is that the industry has so effectively entrenched itself and the genre, erecting tall fences and posting loyal gatekeepers, that only a certain, rather sterilized kind of writing can get in, and those writing from inside have little hope (and often little desire) of getting out. I realize this is a gloomy illustration, but I’m really not criticizing the Christian publishing model at all. Of course there are no sinister men in holy smoke-filled boardrooms plotting mass censorship on behalf of some shadow Church. The “segregation” is strictly business, little more than marketing and branding, as well as a kind of rating system—a way of telling the customer up front what she can find in a “Christian” publication and assuring her that she will not be bothered by content she may find offensive.

From a business standpoint, it is only logical to identify a customer base and offer up what they want to buy. My objection is not, however, with the supply side of this market, but with the demand. Knowing how art mimics life (and vice versa), I see in the current state of Christian book publishing, music, and art in general only a microcosm of what Christianity in this country and much of the world has done to itself over the last few generations—carved out a place of safety and retreated inside, holding the line against infiltration, but at the same time running the risk of becoming as culturally irrelevant as the Amish. What worries me is this voluntary cultural and social ghettoization of religion.

For the person of faith—any faith—life is a constant struggle of balancing the hopes of the spiritual and eternal with the needs and limitations of the physical, the temporal. It is—to quote one author in this volume—as if we are each “part flesh, part hope.” Believers who acknowledge this tension want more than a secure life behind the stained glass. And they look to spiritual writing for something more than a saintly protagonist who doesn’t drink, smoke, gossip, or swear, and who certainly does not—under any circumstance—experience real doubt about his or her faith. For those readers, what often is called “Christian literature” may occasionally entertain and inspire. It may even stir the soul with hope of how things could be, in an untarnished world. But it doesn’t resonate with their own experience, because deep down they know the truth: that no real person lives that way. Readers of Relief will find something more than a sugared dose of affirmation. They will find stories, essays, and poems that offer resonance, that feeling of connection with gifted writers—mere mortals, one and all—who share their doubts and fears, their struggles with living as “part flesh, part hope.”

So if I were to offer an analogy that describes the mission of Relief, I can think only of a young girl (who is, admittedly, perhaps too naïve for her own good) daring to climb that ghetto fence. Not to escape. And not even to get a better look at the world outside. But to better be heard by anyone within range on either side. At the top, she balances among the spools of razor wire, draws a deep breath, and uncages her voice. It’s not a sermon, like the ones we’ve come to expect from within these borders, but a humble song—a mere “expression” that says simply: “I am here. I exist. I hope and dream, and bleed and despair. And I will not be defined by this stupid damned fence!” Whether her audience finds the melody beautiful or grating, it is unashamedly honest and true, and that—in today’s image-driven culture—is a beauty in itself.

This particular issue of Relief features many authors and narrators dealing honestly with questions of death and mortality, as well as the corporeal nature of being human, developing a theme of Memento mori (Remember that you must die), or Hominem te memento (Remember that you are only a man)—warnings once recited to Roman generals after their military triumphs to remind them that human glory is fleeting. At the same time, that somewhat dreary thread is punctuated by hopeful pieces that remind us to seize opportunities for love, for showing empathy and compassion, and for taking time to slow down and appreciate the wonder of creation, to stop and consider the immanent and transcendent. So a Carpe diem theme is also present. The image on our cover ties these two themes together, presenting in one scene elements of celebration, love, family, friendship, community, all the things we value most highly in life, but in a tone that is surreal and with a “ghosting” effect that suggests the temporal and transitory, reminding us that this life does not last and to make the most of what time we have.

I OWE A PERSONAL THANKS to every person who has made this issue of Relief possible. Some have (anonymously) contributed vital resources, without which no one would be reading this now. Others have given freely and abundantly of their personal time to read submissions and proofread text. Most of all, I want to thank the Relief editorial staff (who have lived and breathed these pages every day for the past several weeks) and the many talented authors who have allowed us to publish their work.

I believe you will enjoy these stories and poems. My hope, however, is that (as they did with me) these words will resonate with your own experience as a creature of humble but hopeful flesh.

1. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, s.v. “Resonate,” (accessed May 26, 2010).

Photo Haiku Wednesday 7.28.10

Michelle Pendergrass

Photo courtesy of Michelle Pendergrass.


1. Write a haiku inspired by the photo and post it in the comments.

For extra chances to win:

2. Follow @reliefjournal on Twitter

3. Follow @Quo Vadis on Twitter

4. Twitter @reliefjournal with your haiku and #PHW (Photo Haiku Wednesday)

* * *

The good people over at Quo Vadis have generously donated some prizes!!

The weekly winner will receive a Quo Vadis Habana Journal and a bottle of J. Herbin ink!!

Every week Relief will choose a random winner! So play along and tell your friends. See the information below for extra chances to win.

* * *

Winner will be announced via Twitter Thursday afternoons.

We can only ship to U.S. addresses right now.

You may only win once every three months, but you may play along every week for Twitter Super Bonus Points.

* * *

Would you like to have your photo featured on Photo Haiku Wednesday?

Email your photos to Michelle:

You'll get a photo credit link here on the main blog and you'll also be entered in the drawing for the Quo Vadis Habana journal and bottle of J. Herbin ink the week your photo appears on the blog!

Michael Dean Clark: Guest Fiction Editor, Relief 4.2

Christopher Fisher

Relief is excited to welcome Michael Dean Clark as Guest Fiction Editor for the upcoming Relief 4.2 . Many of you are familiar with Michael as a writer and veteran Relief author through his posts here on our blog. Below is a more detailed look at the man who will be wielding the red pen for fiction in our next issue.

As an author of fiction and nonfiction, I have a hard time with the question people always lead with: “So, what do you write?” The answer, course, is whatever I’m currently in the mood for, which for some reason is a very unsatisfactory answer in conversation. So I often follow that up with the fact that I hold a PhD in English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This prompts many people to assume I write things nobody will buy and might be incentive just to call myself a developing author. But the process of getting said degree over the past four years led to several very valuable realizations.

First, the years I spent as a print journalist were not wasted (even when looking at the anemic state of print journalism today). Along with winning Los Angeles Press Club and California Newspaper Publishers’ Association  awards during that period of my career, I also learned that what some writers consider crushing criticism, most reporters call a chat with their editor. This lesson has provided me comfort in the face of (many) rejection letters and a more gentle approach to working with the stories of others, as I did in the creative nonfiction editor’s slot at the cream city review for the past two years.

Another valuable lesson Milwaukee taught me is that while Wisconsin winters are beyond brutal they are also surprisingly tough on those who suffer from seasonal depression. As a result, when my dissertation defense drew near, my job search grew increasingly location conscious. Consequently, I will begin work as an assistant professor of writing at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California this fall. This immense blessing (as getting the job had as much to do with providence as professional skill) has enabled me to (re)discover my geographical muse in the southwestern corner of America. Leave Brooklyn to Lethem, the Mexican border to McCarthy, and the South to whoever wants to try and fill the shoes of O’Connor and Faulkner. I’ve taken my hometown and made it my literary home by focusing most of what I write (except, ironically, my dissertation novel set in West Africa) in California’s richest backdrop for stories. Most recently, my work has appeared in Fast Forward and the forthcoming Coach’s Midnight Diner. I’m also a regular contributor to Relief’s blog where you can find my wandering thoughts on writing, teaching writing, failing to climb mountains, and marmots.

One final lesson I chipped from the ice just south of the Frozen Tundra is that a community of writers is not just helpful, nor is necessary strong enough a word to describe its impact. It is literally life and death for an artist’s work. And the effort the staff of Relief puts into fostering a strong writer’s network is the primary reason I am honored to serve as the guest fiction editor. It is also the reason I can’t wait to see (early, no less) and help shape what will be on the pages of the next edition.

Relief News Tuesday 7.20.2010

Ian David Philpot

Welcome our new staff member!

Last week, Relief added a new staff member, Bonnie Ponce.  Bonnie will be the Director of Support Raising. We are all super excited for her to be on our staff.

Here's a brief message from Bonnie:

"I am so excited to join the Relief staff, as the Director of Support Raising!  I am a native Texan and currently I live in Huntsville, Texas.  I earned a BA in English from Sam Houston State University. I am married to the love of my life, Tim.  I enjoy watching anime, drawing, and doing crafts.  I am very excited to work with Relief because it is exactly what I was looking for, a place for people to express the grittiness of life with the hope of Christ.  I am so blessed to be a part of Relief!"

Please join us as we welcome Bonnie to our staff!

Random Reflections at 12,100 Feet

Michael Dean Clark


(The third in a series on my attempt to hike to the top of the tallest peak in the continental United States. You can find the first two here and here.)

The following is a collection of thoughts that ran through my head while camped at 12,100 feet above sea level and dealing with a case of altitude sickness.

Using the space-age technology of the WAG bag for packing out human waste is one of the more awkward experiences in life, but not as awkward as carrying said bag past the 40 other backpackers camped between your outdoor toilet and tent.

In a related vein: marmots are creepers.

The term glissade sounds way more pretentious when pronounced “gliss-ahd.”

Sunrise is more beautiful than sunset in the mountains. Sunset is more beautiful over the ocean.

Jon Bon Jovi is a more important ambassador of New Jersey than Bruce Springsteen. The two should collaborate on a project that erases the Jersey Shore cast from the public consciousness.

“Self-arresting” is more exciting than any episode of Cops except the one where the sheriff’s deputy with a prosthetic leg chases down a suspect on foot and then mocks the man for not being able to outrun him. 

A good sleeping bag allows one to avoid the awkward morning-after conversation that comes from spooning with your friend to stay alive.

Marmots are way less industrious than beavers.

The Lakers really can’t win a championship unless I am actively watching their finals games.

Things I should have invented because they are brilliant, yet so ridiculously simple I could have: bear canisters, tent stakes, snow cones, a less awkward term for ice spikes than “crampons.”

People fall into two distinct categories: ascenders and descenders. They’re like the Sharks and the Jets of the hiking community.

In retrospect, John Denver was really overrated.

In a pinch, Marmots would make a savory stew but not very good jerky.

An ice-axe is really more of an ice-pick with a serrated edge.

And finally, a 270-pound man you don’t know stripping down to his underwear, winking at you, and grunting “I’m a beast” before jumping into a frigid lake is both funny and disturbing.

Michael Dean Clark holds a PhD in English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and is an assistant professor of writing at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. He is a firm believer in oceans’ superiority to lakes (including lakes named Superior or designated as “Great”).

Photo Haiku Wednesday 7.14.10

Michelle Pendergrass

Photo courtesy of Michelle Pendergrass.


1. Write a haiku inspired by the photo and post it in the comments.

For extra chances to win:

2. Follow @reliefjournal on Twitter

3. Follow @Quo Vadis on Twitter

4. Twitter @reliefjournal with your haiku and #PHW (Photo Haiku Wednesday)

* * *

The good people over at Quo Vadis have generously donated some prizes!!

The weekly winner will receive a Quo Vadis Habana Journal and a bottle of J. Herbin ink!!

Every week Relief will choose a random winner! So play along and tell your friends. See the information below for extra chances to win.

* * *

Winner will be announced via Twitter Thursday afternoons.

We can only ship to U.S. addresses right now.

You may only win once every three months, but you may play along every week for Twitter Super Bonus Points.

* * *

Would you like to have your photo featured on Photo Haiku Wednesday?

Email your photos to Michelle:

You'll get a photo credit link here on the main blog and you'll also be entered in the drawing for the Quo Vadis Habana journal and bottle of J. Herbin ink the week your photo appears on the blog!

Relief News Thursday 7.8.2010

Ian David Philpot

Rock & Sling returns!

If you follow Relief's twitter account, then you may remember hearing us mention @rockandsling back in April when we were at the 2010 Festival of Faith & Writing.  In case you missed the tweet, we were announcing the return of a fellow Christian literary journal, Rock & Sling.

Rock & Sling disappeared from the literary world a couple years ago, but they have returned with the backing of Whitworth University.  They are presently offering subscriptions, and we recommend you look into getting one.  After you've signed up for a subscription for Relief, of course. ;)

Be sure to check them out at

Free .pdf of 4.1

If you received a copy of Relief 4.1, then we have an offer for you to get a free copy of the .pdf file so you can read it on your computer, e-book reader, etc.  All you have to do is write a review of Relief 4.1 on or  Once you've posted a review, put the link in a comment to this post, and we will send you the .pdf of 4.1 within 24 hours.  (Offer expires July 24, 2010.)

Photo Haiku Wednesday 7.7.10

Michelle Pendergrass

Photo courtesy of Michelle Pendergrass.


1. Write a haiku inspired by the photo and post it in the comments.

For extra chances to win:

2. Follow @reliefjournal on Twitter

3. Follow @Quo Vadis on Twitter

4. Twitter @reliefjournal with your haiku and #PHW (Photo Haiku Wednesday)

* * *

The good people over at Quo Vadis have generously donated some prizes!!

The weekly winner will receive a Quo Vadis Habana Journal and a bottle of J. Herbin ink!!

Every week Relief will choose a random winner! So play along and tell your friends. See the information below for extra chances to win.

* * *

Winner will be announced via Twitter Thursday afternoons.

We can only ship to U.S. addresses right now.

You may only win once every three months, but you may play along every week for Twitter Super Bonus Points.

* * *

Would you like to have your photo featured on Photo Haiku Wednesday?

Email your photos to Michelle:

You'll get a photo credit link here on the main blog and you'll also be entered in the drawing for the Quo Vadis Habana journal and bottle of J. Herbin ink the week your photo appears on the blog!