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Spring 2019 | Relief (print)

Spring 2019 | Relief (print)

Relief’s 2019 issue is packed with new poems by some of our favorite voices—Nicholas Samaras, Natasha Oladokun, Linda Mills Woolsey, Daniel Tobin, and many others. CNF offerings include Nelle Smith’s complicated tribute to her native Ohio; lyric examinations of faith, suffering, and loss by Kyle Minor and Ann Weikers; and the stunning debut of Kaylen Dwyer. Our fiction moves from the Middle East to the hills of West Virginia to the California desert of G.E. Kittredge’s “Thy Cell Will Teach Thee All,” in which a burned out rocker attempts to write the ending to his own story. Kelcey Parker Ervick adds Relief’s first full-color graphic narrative, a gorgeous meditation on Nabokov, butterflies, and the coming of age of an artist.
