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Spring 2020 | Relief (print)

Spring 2020 | Relief (print)

The 2020 issue of Relief is the culmination of working under extremely unusual circumstances, including a pandemic that shut down our campus in the middle of the semester, and movements for racial justice in the US and abroad. What can art do in times of crisis? It can help us lament by reflecting images of our brokenness. And perhaps it can guide us toward healing in some small way. For us it all starts with the cover: a stunning image titled “Shut In” by Minneapolis artist Jennifer Davis which, believe it or not, was selected by the editors before COVID-19 made us all shut-ins. So although it may be awhile before we can go back out into the world, we invite you into this shared space of new poems, stories, comics, and essays, in the hopes that we’ll see one another healthy and well in-person soon.
