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Filtering by Tag: Thanksgiving

Give Me One Day

Jean Hoefling

Give me this one warm, sappy, Thomas Kinkade kind of day; one moment of respite from the bombardment of strident media voices that blast endlessly about everything that’s apparently wrong with this country, and instead, let me ponder the outdated notion that there might be something right with it. Let me relish the unassuming arrival and the fragrant, cinnamon-scented lingering of this very special American day, and do it without guilt. Give me Thanksgiving Day. 

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Happy Thanksgiving Friends

Kimberly Culbertson

We're so grateful for you. Seriously, we couldn't do any of this without our subscribers and readers. Because of you, this adventure to bring "edgy" Christian literature into the world has meaning; these author's craft is not in vain because the work has an appreciative audience. We're all so grateful for you :)