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"In Time" Out of Touch

Brad Fruhauff

“For a few immortals to live, many people must die” - It’s a mantra that gets tossed around a lot in this film, and our Christ-given sense of justice should cringe accordingly. Who has that right, exactly? “No one,” the film answers, “And we’re going to fix it!” ...By enlisting the help of an impulsive socialite and holding up time banks at gunpoint and redistributing those eons to preachers, children and the downtrodden, apparently.

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Listening to Kerouac

Brad Fruhauff

As part of the Beat Generation, Kerouac’s writing voice is obviously memorable and distinctly important in the history of American literature. I sense a kinship between my generation and Kerouac’s. For just as the Beats decided to hitchhike across America in search of both personal and national identity, we seek identity through our journeys on the World Wide Web. Inevitably, the same loneliness is there, along with the same need for answers to life’s ultimate questions.

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Christianity and Yarn Barf: A Yarnie's View

Brad Fruhauff

Yarn barf, in essence, is the coiled and knotted ball of nastiness that comes out of the middle of the yarn ball. A yarnie (or crafter, if you prefer) will pull out the center to find the end of the ball for a project or to wind the yarn into a more manageable size. However, though the strand was wound into the ball of yarn once, it doesn't come out as easily all the time. There are often knots, tangles, and even the occasional Gordian knot that befuddles one into believing that the continuous string is out to thwart itself.

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The Way of Grace: Malick's Tree of Life

Brad Fruhauff

It is understandable why Terence Malik is not a household name. His movies cannot be passively watched and enjoyed; they demand something which many people nowadays are unable or unwilling to give: attention. Malik’s style of filmmaking is like cinematic poetry. He is a filmmaker’s filmmaker.

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Kafka on Reading Books

Brad Fruhauff

If only we could always read the Bible as the "ax for the frozen sea within us"! The best literature, and the kind of thing we strive to publish in Relief, will disrupt our habitual lives and refresh our orientation to the world - and to the Scriptures.

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